Everyone has different eating habits that they’ve learned through their lives, some are good, and some are bad. The important thing is that you learn good habits to take care of yourself to live a healthier life. These tips aren’t your only option for good nutrition; as I’m not an expert in this field, but since I’ve started in Jiu Jitsu and improved my diet I’ve lost almost 100 pounds!
- Ingest complete, lean protein with every meal
Eating lean protein is a must to improve muscle mass and improve recovery to get back on the mat quicker. Also, eating lean meats help reduce body fat.
- Ingest vegetables with every meal
Everyone knows from their mom yelling at them at the dinner table that they need to eat their vegetables. It’s true, they are a perfect pair with lean protein and provide your body with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to keep your body energized and moving throughout the day.
- Cut out soda and juice
Water should be your only source of hydration. People think that fruit juice is a good alternative to soda, which is terrible for you, but it can be just as harmful. Fruit juice is chalk full of sugar and doesn’t provide anywhere near the same nutritional value as fruits and vegetable do.
- Plan and prepare meals in advance.
One of best ways to start eating healthy is to prepare your meals the night before or over the weekend. When you bring a lunch to work or school it will keep you on track for your weight loss goal and keep you away from ordering out or getting fast food. A side benefit to this is that you’ll be saving a lot of money by making food from the grocery store instead of buying out every day.
As I stated previously, I’m not an expert, but these are the rules I set for myself and followed when I started my weight loss journey and they have led me to great success.