Little Ninjas Virtual Classes Waiting Lobby

Quick tips for a great experience

  1. Turn off all distractions. We want to make sure that you're able to focus without any interruptions.
  2. Find a dedicated space for class. If you can, make sure to clear at least a few feet around you so you can move freely and follow along without any limitations
  3. Please wear your uniform. Although we aren't physically in our school, wearing your uniform puts you in the right mindset to focus on martial arts
  4. Most importantly, have fun! Whether it's you or your child training, our classes are here to provide you with a great experience

Live Streaming Disclaimer: As you all know, our studio took steps responding to the risk of COVID-19 and remains committed to those procedures. In order to better protect our community we are now offering Live Streaming of classes. Live Streaming will be an option until further notice.
If you choose to participate in Live Streaming, then please make sure to clear a safe space to train as we have no control of your home environment (e.g. flooring, furniture placement, or any other hazards). Due to the restrictions Live Streaming places on our own instructors, we will not be able to offer the same level of instruction you are accustomed to.
Most Live Streaming Platforms include recording capabilities, if you choose to participate in Virtual Classes you consent to being recorded.
By participating in Virtual Classes, you and your student acknowledge these additional hazards. The waiver of liability you have signed when you enrolled will apply to all training hazards, including all additional hazards, that may or may not be listed above.
Thanks! — Supremacy Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

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